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FPF. Secretary of State listened "very carefully" to Pedro Proença's requests

FPF. Secretary of State listened "very carefully" to Pedro Proença's requests

The Secretary of State for Sport, Pedro Dias, confirmed this Monday that he will analyze the requests made by Pedro Proença when he took office as the new president of the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF).

"We naturally listened very carefully. If we look at what is written in the Government's programme, we find some of these commitments. Some of them are issues that have been around for some time. It is time to analyse, we have a sports development plan under construction, and it is already at an advanced stage. It is the right time to be able to look at them with a broader vision", highlighted the minister.

During his inauguration speech, Pedro Proença called on the Government to reduce VAT on sporting events, a "strong" fiscal 'shock' and more sporting infrastructure, ensuring that he "will not be a shield for governments, nor a bullet for rulers".

Proença calls for VAT reduction, PRR for infrastructure and


"Football is a team game", stresses the new p(...)

Pedro Dias recalled that, this year, 60 sports federations took office, "all of them with several challenges to address to the Government", promising that the executive would work on these concerns and make an effort to continue providing support.

"There was an 8% increase and, later, a set of measures was added that represent an increase of 46% for 2025. We will not be able to increase 46% every year. That was my wish, I think it is difficult, but we will try", he said.

The Secretary of State, who was a member of the FPF's governing bodies from 2011 until taking up his current position in the Government, highlighted the responsibility that the new team will have in the "largest sports federation" in Portugal.

"These are times for a new team, which will take over the federation's goals. I was in exactly this situation in 2011 and it is the beginning of a new challenge for those who took office, as the FPF is a public utility institution with great responsibility in our country. It is a new moment that is beginning for a new team", he said.

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