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Moncada and Kirovski at "school": Milan managers will study as ds at Unisalento

Moncada and Kirovski at "school": Milan managers will study as ds at Unisalento

Salento as the lowest common denominator: someone will go there to challenge Lecce, someone else to try... to become a sports director. Geoffrey Moncada and Jovan Kirovski , respectively technical director of Milan and editor in chief of Milan Futuro, know something about it. Just two weeks before the away match on March 8, which will pit Sergio Coinceçao's team against Marco Giampaolo's, the names of the two Rossoneri managers have surprisingly appeared in a file published on the University of Salento website. The title says it all: "List of those admitted to the Training Course for Sports Director in Football" . It is not a masterclass by Don Pantaleo Corvino, who returned to his homeland after years travelling around Italy, but a real course organised by the University of Lecce.

For the second consecutive year, the Department of Legal Sciences of Unisalento has, in fact, organized a training course for sports directors, which allows students to obtain the necessary requirements to take the director exam in Coverciano and perhaps get the appropriate license from the FIGC. Last February 21, the list of names of the 30 admitted to the 2024/2025 course was published on the University website: Geoffrey Moncada and Jovan Kirovski are also there. Accompanied in this adventure by Manuel Caruso, secretary of the club who decided to apply for admission to the course, the two Rossoneri big names jumped at the opportunity to obtain a title also recognized by the FIGC, considering that their training path took place exclusively outside of Italy.

Moncada, French, arrived at Milan in 2018 as head scout, after a long apprenticeship in Ligue 1 with Monaco. After Maldini's departure, he has effectively become the Rossoneri's market man, although he does not yet hold the title of sporting director. Kirovski, on the other hand, is at his first managerial experience away from the USA and Los Angeles Galaxy. After a few months of working shoulder to shoulder, they could even become... classmates.

La Gazzetta dello Sport

La Gazzetta dello Sport

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